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A HUMAN-DRIVEN COMPANY ADVANCING THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY The story of CHANEL is the story of a woman. Through her entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, Gabrielle Chanel rose from humble origins to liberate herself, reinvent the codes of fashion, and influence the world. Today, women are our main customers and comprise 80 percent of our workforce. Fondation CHANEL, and other women’s CHANEL AND THE WOMEN’S empowerment initiatives within the company EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES and our supply chain are based on the CHANEL signed the Women Empowerment profound conviction that women are agents Principles (WEPs), a partnership initiative of the of positive change in the world. Advancing the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the role of women in society is a key lens through Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the which we look at everything we do: from our United Nations Global Compact, for the first time brand purpose to our employee-engagement in 2015. The WEPs provide a set of considerations policies and through our approach to supply- to help the private sector focus on key elements chain issues. As signatories of the United integral to promoting gender equality in the Nations Women Empowerment Principles, workplace, marketplace, and communities. we are committed to driving these initiatives To date, CHANEL has primarily focused on not only within the company, but also, more applying the WEPs to the workplace and its broadly in society through Fondation CHANEL. own workforce. Over the next year, we plan It was to build on Mademoiselle Chanel’s legacy to integrate a gender lens more systematically that CHANEL created its first philanthropic into our sourcing policies, programs, metrics, foundation based in France, the Fondation and overall reporting. To help us advance both d’Entreprise CHANEL, in 2011, with the initial the thinking and practice of how companies mission to improve social and economic can achieve progress for women globally and conditions for women and adolescent girls. successfully apply the WEPs, CHANEL joined In 2016, our philanthropic entity was renamed BSR’s Business Action for Women (BAW) Fondation CHANEL. It expanded its operations collaborative initiative. Together with other major globally to the U.S.A. and Europe, while also corporations, CHANEL is involved in two of the strengthening its support to numerous social BAW working-group clusters, mainly to advance purpose organizations (SPOs) in developing women in the supply chain and to empower countries and in East Asia. women to lead on climate resilience.

Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook - Page 64 Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook Page 63 Page 65