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WHAT WE BELIEVE: Fondation CHANEL promotes the following: A HOLISTIC APPROACH • Access to economic resources and At CHANEL, we believe that women’s entrepreneurship (including microfinance). empowerment and gender equality are • Access to education and vocational training. not only a question of equal rights, but are also a key condition to global progress and • Access to leadership and decision-making. represent a huge opportunity for growth • Access to health and social protection and prosperity. Many studies have shown services. that societies, companies, and communities promoting gender equality are more free, • The use of culture, information, and peaceful, stable, and fair, and lead to more technology as a means for social integration. 2 prosperous and dynamic economic models. • The strengthening of women’s OUR APPROACH organizations, funds, and networks. For over seven years, Fondation CHANEL Since 2011, Fondation CHANEL has expanded has been committed to supporting social significantly. Since its inception, it has supported purpose organizations working to improve more than 60 projects in 35 countries, with the social and economic conditions of women a global commitment of $20.5 million. Over throughout the world. This mission resonates the next five years, we plan on investing over with CHANEL and leads to a systematic $120 million in advancing the role of women in integration of this issue into our work and society. Thanks to its concrete and measurable long-term vision. By giving grants to nonprofit impact, Fondation CHANEL has gained organizations, Fondation CHANEL provides international recognition in its field through long-term support to women and girls in strategic partnerships with UN Women and vulnerable situations and helps them reach the OECD. the first step on the development ladder. 2. For example, the McKinsey Global Institute Report, September 2015, “The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to the global economy.”

Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook - Page 65 Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook Page 64 Page 66