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BEING A PURPOSEFUL EMPLOYER PARENTAL LEAVE: COMMITTING TO EQUAL THE ASHOKA PROJECT TREATMENT AND VALUING Ashoka is an NGO that brings together the largest PEOPLE’S WHOLE LIVES network of social entrepreneurs worldwide. Its mission is to identify and support the most innovative ones On January 1, 2018, CHANEL implemented a by fostering links with businesses to maximize new global parental-leave benefit, providing social impact. 14 weeks of leave at full pay for all new parents — both women and men — who expand their In 2018, our FRAGRANCES & BEAUTY activity entered families by birth, adoption, or surrogacy. This into a partnership with Ashoka, based on three pillars: enhanced benefit reflects our shared values on 1. To select and financially support social innovators gender equality, empowerment, and freedom on themes related to our business (renewable of choice by giving women and men equal energy, circular economy, biodiversity, integration flexibility to focus on career and family, moving and diversity). away from stereotypes that women, more than men, should manage family demands, 2. Engage our own employees and develop talents which often force them to trade off on their alongside social entrepreneurs through discovery career. Our global parental-leave policy is an sessions and skills sponsorship. employer’s essential investment in supporting 3. Share what we learn with leading companies in employees’, particularly women’s, long-term other sectors, within a multi-company program personal and career ambitions, including supported by Ashoka. cherishing important moments in their lives and reaching top executive positions, not just Through this program and through social innovation, at CHANEL, but also in society in general. we want to develop a strong culture of sustainability EMPLOYEE SOCIAL and commitment among our employees, and create a “laboratory” for the creation of new business models COMMITMENT and innovation processes. Since it was first created, Fondation CHANEL has provided employees with opportunities to actively participate in the projects it supports. Many employees wish to engage actively in social and philanthropic projects to fulfil their personal and professional desires. CHANEL actively encourages employees to support the associations and social enterprises by matching an employee’s competencies and skills to the needs of these organizations on social and environmental projects. Our employees are thereby helping these organizations not only with their time, but also by helping them build internal competencies in key disciplines for mutually rewarding benefit.

Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook - Page 63 Report to Society | Chanel Flipbook Page 62 Page 64