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COHERENT OPERATING MODEL What is important in this context is to remove the administrative obstacles that would make ROAD MAPS the adoption of new business practices too We translate our vision and CSR framework slow and cumbersome. into operational strategies through “road maps” for each activity and each major market. In order to accelerate the adoption of our These road maps are designed to be local, CSR road map, we have created an Innovation and define the timing, level of deployment, and Sustainable Development Fund dedicated and resources needed to implement what is to financing initiatives, proposed by outlined in the global framework. operational teams. DEDICATED CSR TEAMS Established in 2016, the Fund finances activities In each activity there are expert teams in across the business that have a positive social charge of defining and implementing the or environmental impact, while enabling us to CSR road maps. In the same way, CSR teams reimagine how we innovate for sustainability. are in place in each major market. It allows us to support projects without bureaucracy or existing budget constraints, AMBASSADORS NETWORK and accelerates our sustainability plans. We have a network of over 140 CSR The fund is financed through an internal carbon Ambassadors representing different functions tax based on our global carbon footprint. and skills at both activity and market levels. These ambassadors act as champions of During 2017, the fund invested in 19 projects to CSR within their respective functions, and increase sustainable innovation, drive sustainable help establish and implement operational sourcing, and facilitate business reengineering. road maps for CSR activities. A high-level committee, composed of the AN INNOVATION CEO, the CFO, the three activity presidents, AND SUSTAINABLE and the global heads of HR, Innovation, and DEVELOPMENT FUND CSR, validates our key CSR policies and commitments, monitors if our improvements We believe that one of the key conditions are in line with our commitments, and for a successful implementation of our CSR oversees the Innovation and Sustainable road map is to ensure that initiatives can Development Fund. be identified and driven by the operational teams with a high level of autonomy.

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