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INNOVATION — CREATING VALUE FOR SOCIETY The Innovation and Materials Development Laboratory is also working to develop LONG-TERM EXPERTISE IN HEALTHY SKIN innovative techniques for producing active CHANEL FRAGRANCES & BEAUTY is dedicated to ingredients in partnership with start-ups. creating the best cosmetic solutions for women in the world. To do so, for over 25 years, CHANEL has been For example, the laboratory collaborated running a long-term research program to understand with Oléos to develop a less intense extraction healthy skin and beauty for women. This program method using the physical processes of aims at better understanding the crossed impact of microwaves combined with ultrasound. Thus, environmental factors, lifestyle, and genetics on the for the camellia, polyphenols are extracted skin’s appearance and comfort. We can capitalize on from white camellia flower petals in camellia these long-term studies in order to develop the most oil. After filtration, this oil, enriched in appropriate cosmetic solutions for women. polyphenols, is used in the Hydra Beauty product range. More recently, one of the three To reflect the huge diversity of women around the active ingredients of our BLUE SERUM was world, studies were carried out in different countries developed using this process. in collaboration with local research centers including in China (700 women from Beijing, Shanghai, In addition, our collaboration with Plant Guangzhou, and Hangzhou), in India (800 women Advanced Technologies, a plant biotechnology from Mumbai), in South Africa (300 women from start-up from the Lorraine region of France, Pretoria), the U.S.A. (450 Latin-Americans and, made the cultivation of plants in aeroponics 250 African-Americans), and over 6,000 women from possible. This new approach to above-ground different ethnical backgrounds in France. The results plant cultivation makes it possible to control were shared and co-published, enabling us to create the ecosystem of the plant by providing it a database of 37,000 high-quality images of women’s with all the nutrients it needs to develop fully. facial- and skin-health data while always complying By stimulating a plant’s natural defenses, we with the highest regulatory and ethical rules around are able to trigger the production of active data privacy. molecules that will be harvested through the roots as they are immersed in a natural solvent. CHANEL is also a partner in major health and aging The process, called “PAT plant milking®,” now national research programs both in France (SU.VI.MAX makes it possible to produce natural active study on over 13,000 men and women) and Japan substances without damaging the plant. This (Nagahama study on over 10,000 men and women). technique was used for the first time in the world by CHANEL for the production of the These long-term studies aim to better understand star active ingredient of the Le Lift product women’s health and how their bodies age with time. line, Edulis Morning Glory. They are our contribution to a better understanding of aging in skin and appearance as a part of CHANEL also uses specific partnerships in the human health. development of raw materials. In its makeup line, for example, CHANEL FRAGRANCES & BEAUTY co-developed a red plant pigment with the Regional Centre for Innovation and Transfer of Horticultural Technology in Rochefort-sur-Mer: the sappan wood, used in the product range of ROUGE ALLURE lipstick.

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