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SAVOIR FAIRE Within our FASHION activity, we have built a For the past 15 years, we have invested steadily team of dedicated couturiers who are working in the Maisons d’Art, building a portfolio of to bring the creations of our designers to life. companies, under Paraffection, which means In addition, our FASHION activity maintains “for the love of.” By acquiring and investing close creative partnerships with the Maisons in businesses in this way, both sides benefit. d’Art: workshops practicing traditional crafts The investment provides the cash flow and such as embroidery, millinery, and shoemaking. professional managerial support for the Some of CHANEL’s most iconic FASHION workshops and houses to innovate new pieces, such as the two-tone shoe and the tweed techniques, as Causse Gantier, Tanneries Bodin- jacket, were created though Gabrielle Chanel’s Joyeux, Mégisserie Richard, and Tanneries Haas personal collaborations with historic Parisian have done in tanning. It also enables them to maisons, such as the shoemaker Massaro recruit and train skilled artisans. The workshops and the embroiderer Lesage. By entering and houses retain full creative independence and CHANEL’s circle of creativity, the artisans bring the ability to supply other luxury houses and/or the intelligence and spirit of craftsmanship, create their own product line (as is the case magnifying CHANEL’s creations by with Maison Michel and Goossens). At the Karl Lagerfeld. same time, CHANEL is directly connected to the source of inspiration and craftsmanship SAFEGUARDING SKILLS, that fuels creativity. PRESERVING INDEPENDENCE Changing market forces — such as the relocation of manufacturing to emerging markets, and a dwindling pool of talent — pose a major threat to the Maisons d’Art and to the irreplaceable skills and knowledge they possess. CHANEL was the first company to recognize the importance of acquiring and investing in businesses that possess these rare capabilities, while maintaining their independence and ability to work with other brands. Through the Maisons d’Art, CHANEL ensures that our entire industry has access to the fine craft skills on which our business depends. maison LESAGE EMBROIDERer

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