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SAVOIR FAIRE Maison Lesage, which became part of the We don’t intend to fund our acquisition House of CHANEL in 2002, is known and forever. Our aim is to help the Maisons d’Art recognized worldwide as the guardian of build economic resilience over time, so they embroidery art: a savoir faire both exacting eventually develop into sustainable, fully and precious, requiring patience, attention independent businesses with strong long- to detail, and creativity, which has now term potential. This is all part of the unique become rare. perspective we bring and our desire to create a virtuous circle: one that benefits the artisans, Since 1992, the Maison Lesage has been their communities, CHANEL, and the luxury imparting its knowledge and techniques in industry as a whole. It is a way for CHANEL its prestigious Parisian school. Thousands of to contribute to the role of luxury as one students from around the world have chosen of the main contributors to the cultural to study the many Lunéville hook and needle and creative industry. techniques taught at the Lesage school. Instruction is provided by Maison Lesage embroiderers, and is accessible to all, from beginning to advanced students, as well as those wishing to receive professional training. On average, the school of Maison Lesage offers 400 students per year a chance to discover a unique craft, which involves learning embroidery techniques and transforming skills into a passion to be used in Haute Couture or interior decoration.

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