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CHANEL’S CLIMATE STRATEGY MAXIMIZING ON-SITE PURCHASING GREEN TARIFFS RENEWABLE ENERGY The purchase of green tariffs is an interim This pillar involves factoring renewable-energy measure while we look for opportunities for production, such as on-site solar power, into direct investment in new renewable-energy the construction of all of our new sites, and projects. In each region, procurement and retrofitting renewable-energy production facilities managers will purchase green tariffs into existing ones. As an example, we have wherever available on the local market. already installed solar panels at manufacturing Our Green Power Policy & Implementation and distribution sites in France and the Guidelines set our standards and criteria U.K., and are currently planning more in for buying green-tariffs, and specify our the U.S.A. and Asia. preference for solar, geothermal, wind, hydroelectric (small scale, low impact), and wave/tidal as the underlying energy source. 100 PERCENT SOLAR POWER Currently, all the electricity we use in our AT PISCATAWAY direct operations in France and the United In the United States, New Jersey has some of the Kingdom is covered by a green-tariff contract. country’s most ambitious rooftop-solar-power These two countries represent approximately deployment goals. To meet these goals, businesses 35 percent of CHANEL’s overall global and residents across the state must commit their electricity use. rooftops and parking lots to solar energy. CHANEL is proud to join this growing movement, and we INVESTING IN COMMUNITY have recently signed a 20-year power purchase RENEWABLE-ENERGY agreement in support of a new 3,200 MWh/year solar PROJECTS deployment at our distribution facility in Piscataway. The generation capacity is equivalent to the site’s total Over time, we will try to gradually phase out annual electricity use. Working closely with a local green tariffs in favor of providing direct financial solar developer, we were able to maximize capacity support for new renewable-energy projects at for on-site solar by installing solar-panel canopies a community level in key regions. over the parking lot, as well as a rooftop solar array.

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