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A CREATION-DRIVEN BRAND For decades we have focused on supporting Following are some examples of our projects the complex environmental and social aiming to achieve positive social, economic, ecosystems from which we source the matières and environmental impacts: nobles for our perfumes and cosmetics. Over 15 years ago, to build on our experience in ENHANCING SCIENTIFIC Grasse, we started extending our supply- SKILLS IN BHUTAN chain resiliency approach to other strategic In 2014, the CHANEL FRAGRANCES & BEAUTY raw materials, with projects such as one in R&D team identified a native plant in Bhutan Madagascar for vanilla. Given the number of with high cosmetic potential. As envisaged raw materials we source, and the number of by the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic suppliers we source them from — more than Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing 300 for our FRAGRANCES & BEAUTY activities of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to 1 — the challenges we face are incredibly the Convention on Biological Diversity, we diverse. They vary according to the country worked with local stakeholders on an access and raw material in question. At the source scheme, and established a partnership with of our proprietary natural ingredients supply the Bhutanese Ministry of Agriculture and chains, we commit to promoting and deploying Forests and its National Biodiversity Centre. the principles of regenerative agriculture: One of their key needs was to enhance the a system of farming practices and patterns level of local scientific skills. We agreed on a that actively enrich soils, biodiversity, and training plan, welcoming Bhutanese scientists ecosystems, while increasing the livelihoods to our laboratories in Pantin, France, to of individual farmers. While we have achieved conduct, with our support, their own research a number of positive social, economic, and on the value of Bhutanese biodiversity. We also environmental outcomes, we still have work to supported their application for a United Nations do to be certain all our raw-material sourcing Development Programme (UNDP) grant so the achieves positive impacts in line with the National Biodiversity Centre of Bhutan could Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of set up a lab with high-performance liquid- the United Nations. We are convinced of the chromatography instruments. Two CHANEL potential that regenerative agriculture holds scientists went to Bhutan to set up the for transformative change toward reaching our instruments and train the local research team objectives. Promoting regenerative agriculture on them, while we trained Bhutanese students is a key part of our strategy going forward. in our laboratory for analytical chemistry. 1. The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation to the Convention on Biological Diversity (the Nagoya Protocol) is an international agreement that aims to share the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way.

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